It Never Rains, by Kari Maaren
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Monday, December 2, 2024
It Never Rains 1732
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1) It's actually a coincidence this comic is running so close to December 6. I wasn't thinking about the date when I created it several months ago. However, 'tis the season, even if it isn't the actual day. As least the meeting itself could take place on the appropriate day in 1967.

2) Yes, I've gone full-on cute with the seasonal header. I thought Rose and Iz deserved it.

Monday, December 2, 2024
Panel 1: Rose stands beside the Royal Ontario Museum, colloqually known as the ROM, in 1967. She is looking rather jaded.

Caption: December 6, 1967, 2:57 p.m.

Voice From Off Panel: Are you serious?

Panel 2: Rose watches as two men come into view. One is the man whose name is not Casey. The other is slightly shorter and plumper, with curly light-brown hair, blue eyes, and glasses. Discerning readers of West of Bathurst will recognise him as Casey's counterpart, Nico, who...well, let's just say December 6 is an appropriate day for him to appear.

Casey: Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to remember anything, but I know something happened exactly ten years ago.

Panel 3: They stop for a moment. Nico touches Casey on the arm.

Nico: You need to try to forget it.

Casey:  Do you remember what happened the last time I tried to forget something?

Panel 4:

Casey: Because I don't.

Nico: You give me a headache.

Alt-Text: Everything the man whose name is not Casey does makes perfect sense and is not at all bewildering and chaotic.

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Content copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024
Images copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024