It Never Rains, by Kari Maaren
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Monday, November 18, 2024
It Never Rains 1726
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Monday, November 18, 2024
Panel 1: As per the last comic, Rose is imagining that she is a character in a 1950s sci-fi B movie. She's dressed in something that is probably meant to be a starship uniform and pushing Iz through the ship's corridors in a floating chair.

Caption: The injured worker was hesitant about leaving the sick bay, but I managed to persuade him to try.

Panel 2: We see a few other members of the crew: a tall person who seems angry about something, a spiky green creature, and a small alien who looks like a walking boulder.

Caption: Around us, life on the starship Endurance went on. It was the usual bureaucratic nightmare, but it was home.

Panel 3: We see two more members of the crew: a young man and a blue alien with horns who appear to be laughing together.

Caption: It was, however, hard to convince the paranoid worker that everyone we passed wasn't whispering about him.

Panel 4: We're back in the hospital. Rose is pushing Iz down the corridor in a wheelchair.

Iz: They probably are. I'm a medical curiosity.

Rose: You have no one to blame for that but yourself.

Alt-Text: She's sort of right. He didn't HAVE TO defy fate and break the entire universe.

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Content copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024
Images copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024