It Never Rains, by Kari Maaren
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Friday, November 8, 2024
It Never Rains 1722
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Since X is know, I'll be moving my social-media INR alerts to Bluesky. I've already been posting them there for quite a while, but it's time to admit that X no longer marks the spot and drift gently over to Bluesky for good (though I'll need to keep my X account because my students often write their research essays on X, and I have to be able to see the material they're referencing). Luckily, Bluesky has a great "feeds" feature that allow me to group all my INR-related posts together in one place. You can access the INR feed here. I just figured this out today because I'm not the best at noticing that technology has helpful bits as well as bits that don't know how many "r"s there are in "strawberry" and will confidently make up quotations from fake articles by fake authors writing for fake scholarly journals.

Friday, November 8, 2024
Panel 1: In Iz's hospital room, Iz is crying while his dad comforts him.

Iz: I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about...

Kai: I know.

Panel 2:

Kai: And I'm sorry I never told you about my dad going blind.

Iz: I think I get it.

Panel 3:

Iz: I just...this feels like more destiny, somehow. And Mr. Jones is my destiny too.

Panel 4:

Kai: Ooh...let's think of ways to rebel against destiny. We could write a play!

Iz: You're so weird, Dad.

Alt-Text: One day, Rose and Kai are going to decide to write a musical together, and the world will never be the same.

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Content copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024
Images copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2024