Panel 1: At
the hospital, Iz stands on a scale that is also a measuring stick as a
nurse, next to him on a step stool, stands on tiptoe to see the
measurement. Rose is watching.
Nurse: Six foot eight.
Iz: What?
Panel 2: The nurse and Rose help Iz back to the bed.
Iz: That's impossible. I'm almost twenty-six; I've stopped growing.
Nurse: Apparently not.
Panel 3: Iz and Rose sit down on the bed. Rose puts an arm around Iz, and the nurse touches him on the shoulder.
Nurse: We did measure you when you were first admitted, and you were six foot five.
Panel 4:
Iz: I just don't know what to say about that.
Rose: Nobody does.
Here I go making things hard for myself. Iz was already substantially
taller than all the other characters; now he's a foot taller than most
of them.