Panel 1: Rose and Jennifer walk together through a park.
Jennifer: His eyes, eh? Hmm.
Rose: Do you know why...?
Panel 2:
Jennifer: Not yet. But I'm beginning to develop some theories.
Panel 3: They stop and face each other.
Jennifer: You haven't had any headaches since that last big one?
Rose: Well, I have, but I've been getting headaches since my head injury. No thunderclap headaches, though.
Panel 4:
Jennifer: Interesting.
A pause.
Jennifer: Also, sorry about your headaches.
A pause.
Jennifer: But interesting.
Rose: close to a save.
Look, I do that all the time: I forget that I have to express sympathy
aloud and not just in my head. I FEEL the sympathy; I just don't SAY I
feel the sympathy.