Panel 1: Rose sits on her couch and lets her laptop's screen reader read her an e-mail.
Computer: Dear Ms. Malory: We regret to inform you that the position has been filled.
Panel 2: On
another day, as we know because Rose is wearing a different shirt, Rose
walks across the apartment, carrying her phone and a mug of tea. The
phone is reading her another e-mail.
Phone: Dear Rose: Unfortunately, you are not qualified for this position. We wish you the best of luck.
Panel 3: On
yet another day, Rose stands in her kitchen and gazes cynically down at
her phone, which is sitting on the counter and reading her another
Phone: It's a no from me, dawg.
Panel 4: Rose pulls out the business card Kai gave her and waves it around angrily.
Rose: All right! Fine! I'll call the number!
Rose: You can stop mocking me now, business card!
It is smirking at her with its little business-card face.