Panel 1: Rose
and Fathima are in the oddly empty room that is the front office of
Parker's Trust, face to face with Debra Chong, one of the people who
helped to train Iz.
Fathima: Listen...I'm Iz Keolanui's mother. I just want to talk to Mr. Jones.
Debra: Well, you can't.
Panel 2:
Debra: No one can. He's vanished. We've been covering for him. but we can't any more.
Panel 3:
Debra: It's all falling apart. Do you know what that's like? Why are you even here?
Panel 4: She herds them towards the door.
Debra: Out! Out! Run away from the panic!
Rose: What a good idea.
Mr. Jones is even more mysterious when he can't be found.