Panel 1: Rose
is out for lunch with Iz's parents. They are sitting on a patio, though
since there's a wall right next to them, that's mostly apparent from
this descriptive text. Iz's father is a slender man with black hair and
glasses. He is still wearing his paramedic uniform.
Rose: Mr. and Mrs. Keolanui--
Iz's Mom: Rose. Please call us Fathima and Kai.
Panel 2:
Rose: Right. Uh. Fathima and Kai...I'm really sorry I didn't visit Iz until now.
Panel 3:
Rose: I should have. I couldn't. I--
Fathima: Honey.
Panel 4: Fathima takes Rose's hands.
Fathima: We're paramedics; we understand weird reactions to grief.
Kai: I have so many stories.
Alt-Text: All reactions to grief are a little weird. Ask me sometime about my "crackers for dinner" phase.