Panel 1: Rose
and twelve-year-old Jack are standing outside a door labelled "No
Admittance" as a menacing-looking man approaches in the distance. There
is a big red button on the wall beside the door.
Caption: March 12, 2010
Past Jack: I don't want to!
Rose: You have to, or they'll catch us. Push the button!
Panel 2: Rose and young Jack stand on a steel beam high above the city. A bird flies past.
Caption: July 23, 2010
Past Jack: I'm scared!
Rose: Oh, don't worry. You definitely survive this.
Panel 3: Rose and Jack run down the street. Jack is holding a trumpet.
Caption: January 4, 2011
Past Jack: Why did you make me steal this?
Rose: I don't think I did. Did I? Am I really that persuasive?
Panel 4: Rose and a now thirteen-year-old Jack stand in front of a wall of flame. They are brandishing swords at a sword-bearing man.
Past Jack: Who are you?
Rose: Does it matter? This is fun.
Alt-Text: I'm sure everything in this comic makes perfect sense somehow.