It Never Rains, by Kari Maaren
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022
It Never Rains 1307
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Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Panel 1: Iz is talking to Mr. Jones on his laptop.

Mr. Jones: What harm can it possibly do to do as I ask?

Iz: You tell me.

Panel 2:

Mr. Jones: Well, I'll leave it up to you. If you refuse, I'll consider that your resignation.

Iz: That's not how it works.

Panel 3:

Iz: If I refuse, fire me. I'm not quitting. You're going to have to kick me out yourse--

Mr. Jones: Sub-clause 23f.

Panel 4:

Iz: Refusing to do my job is the same thing as quitting are you freaking kidding me?

Mr. Jones: Would I do that to you?

Alt-Text: Iz really, really hates all those subclauses. He keeps finding new ones squirreled away in corners.
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Content copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2022
Images copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2022