Panel 1: Rose sits on her bed, talking to Iz on the phone. Her walker is beside her.
Iz [on phone]: Wait a minute...did you travel in time?
Rose: No.
Panel 2: Rose reaches out to her walker.
Iz: Are you about to? Rose...don't you remember last time? How could you--
Panel 3: The phone is sitting on the bed. Rose is gone.
Iz: ......Rose?
Panel 4: Rose, clinging to her walker, is standing in the room, which now has green curtains and walls instead of blue.
Rose [thinks]: So this is 1992.
Rose [thinks]: I don't seem to be dead.
Rose [thinks]: The way I make decisions may not be optimal.
The way Rose makes decisions can probably be summed up in the word
"yeet," though since I'm a forty-five-year-old Gen Xer, I may be
getting that wrong.