Panel 1: In the unfinished room at 127 Amser, Rose hands Iz her white cane.
Iz: Rose, think about this for a--
Rose: Thinking is overrated. Okay...I should be back in about a second.
Panel 2: As
Iz watches Rose, Denise hears something behind her and turns to see a
second Rose, dressed identically to the first one, kneeling on the
floor. The new Rose has her eyes closed. She is bleeding profusely from
her eyes and nose.
Rose: Here I go.
Denise: Wait!
Panel 3: The first Rose is gone. The second collapses.
Panel 4: Denise kneels next to the unconscious second Rose as Iz drops the white cane.
Iz: Thinking is not overrated!
Denise: Evidence suggests.
Alt-Text: I begin to sense a pattern: somehow, Iz is never the one who ends up injured and unconscious. Makes you think, doesn't it?