Panel 1: In a room at 127 Amser, which is under construction, Rose stands with Iz and Denise.
Iz: I don't know, Rose. What if you travel into the future and can't get back? You're not used to it.
Rose: I won't go far...just a month or two.
Panel 2:
Rose: you have that keychain I gave you in January?
Iz [digs in his pocket]: Sure. Why?
Panel 3: Rose holds up the little anchor-shaped keychain.
Rose: I'll use it as my anchor. Even if I'm drained by travelling to the future, the anchor will make it easier to get back here.
Panel 4:
Iz: This is such a bad idea.
Denise: Which is why I love it.
Rose [to Denise]: We really are related after all.
Alt-Text: I wonder if Iz ever gets tired of being the slightly panicked voice of reason.