Panel 1: Iz
and Rose stand outside Denise's bedroom door (Denise, incidentally, now
lives in Jennifer's old attic room). Rose knocks on the door.
Iz: Alex said Denise saw two of you weeding. That means she's known for months.
Rose: Yep. So there's no use in putting this off.
Panel 2: Denise opens the door and stares at them while Rose cringes guiltily.
Panel 3:
Denise: Finally. Holy crap, it took you long enough. What...did Alex blab?
Panel 4:
Rose: How did you know what I--
Alex [moves back into the room]: Future you brought me up to speed in August. You really need to keep up.
Alt-Text: Denise can keep secrets, but she is NOT going to be freaking GRACIOUS about it.