Panel 1: Iz and Rose stand inside the doors of the mysterious building. It's quite featureless and rather dark.
Iz: What is this place?
Rose: You tell me. It's too dark for me to see anything.
Panel 2: Iz reaches out for Rose's arm. They are moving past a door labelled "102."
Iz: Here, grab my arm. It' an office building...? But I can't hear anyone.
Panel 3: They move towards a sort of patch on the wall that seems to have light coming out from behind it.
Rose: Is there some kind of light over there?
Iz: Oh...weird. I think it's coming from inside that trash thingy on the wall.
Panel 4: They stand beside a trash chute, which is definitely glowing.
Rose: Open the garbage chute, spy boy.
Iz: Thank you for saying that.