It Never Rains, by Kari Maaren
A comic about weird things happening to weird people.  Runs MWF.
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Friday, February 14, 2025
It Never Rains 1764
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It is once again Valentine's Day, the most annoying of all the days. In honour of my two headers featuring Iz's pink bear with a heart on its chest, here is my pink bear with a heart on its chest. I am not actually feeling all that smiley right now, as a certain...person...keeps announcing to the world that he wants to annex my country. He won't stop doing this. 100% of Canadians are mad about it and will continue to be so until the end of time. So happy frickin' Valentine's whatever, and if you are a certain...person: leave my country alone. Thanks.Kari with a pink teddy bear
Image description: A middle-aged white woman with long brown hair cuddles a large pink teddy bear with a heart on its chest.

Friday, February 14, 2025
Panel 1: Jennifer, Rose, and Iz sit on Rose and Iz's couch. Iz is crying. Rose holds his hands.

Rose: Are you okay?

Iz: Mr. Jones was right.

Panel 2:

Rose: What?

Iz: And wrong. He was right that reality was in danger.

Panel 3:

Iz: He was wrong about why.

Jennifer: But we know. So we can do something about it.

Panel 4:

Jennifer: Preferably without becoming megalomaniacs.

Iz: That would be really great.

That is, of course, always the goal.

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Content copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2025
Images copyright Kari Maaren 2014-2025